What is Setsubun like? One of the Japanese events in spring!
2021/5/18 demon, Japanese culture, setsubun, throwing beans, 日本文化, 節分, 豆まき, 鬼
“鬼(おに)は外(そと)!福(ふく)は内(うち)!(Demons out ! Luck in!)” In the Setsubun festival, Japanese people say 鬼(おに)は外(そと)!福(ふく)は内(うち)!and throw beans out opened doors and windows to drive away evil spirits and bring in good fortune. 節分(せつぶん) (Setsubun) is one of the most well-known spring events for Japanese people. In this article, you will understand how to enjoy Setsubun and all about Setsubun’s rules, culture, and history! Justina I know about throwing beans during Setsubun! Actually, Japanese people do many things other than throwing beans during Setsubun! Atsuya What does 節分(せつぶん) (Setsubun) mean? The original meaning of 節分(せつぶん) (Setsubun) is “the day before the equinox or ...
How do you say sweet tooth in Japanese?
あんこ餅 (もち)(Ankomochi), お団子(だんご) (odango), たい焼(や)き (taiyaki), and まんじゅう (manju). In Japan, these delicious treats tempt people into their sweet and yummy traps all the time! People who love sweets are called “甘党 (あまとう)(Amato)”. In this article we are going to learn how to say sweet tooth in Japanese! We will also learn about other Japanese words related to sweet tooth! 甘党(あまとう)(Amato) 甘党(あまとう) (Amato) is a person who likes eating sweets more than drinking alcohol. So it is similar to the meaning of sweet tooth in English! Recently, 甘党(あまとう) is just used for people who like sweets, but the correct way ...
Japanese words and idioms related to cat!
Cats are the best animal in the world. Everyone loves cats. They are cute, sweet, and make us feel warm and fuzzy. As almost all languages have cat words and cat idioms, Japanese has many words and idioms which have “cat" (猫(ねこ)) in them, too. Some of them are understandable out of the Japanese context, but some of them are based on Japanese cultural ideas for cats. In this article, we are going to learn 7 cat words and cat idioms which Japanese natives are using in real life! -Cat Words-猫ねこのつく言葉ことば 猫舌(ねこじた)(Neko-jita) 猫(ねこ) (Neko) means “cat” and 舌 (した)(jita) means ...